Today's plastic waste: 2 sweet packets picked up off youngest daughter's bedroom floor, torn plastic bag, spent deodorant bottle, the bag the supermarket-bought apples came in, main wrapper from sadly finished multipack of Tunnocks Caramel Wafers, inner wrapper from one of said wafers; plastic netting that held oranges from the supermarket again, packaging from sliced chorizo, film wrapping around frozen pizzas
I thought the best place to start is here. In other words, I need to record where I'm at right now: the plastic I have in my home. So every week I'm going to take one room in the house and take a good, long look at how much plastic it contains.
Week 1: The Bathroom
Lino flooring
Plastic coated blind and 'bobble' blind pull
UPVC windows
Light fittings: neon bulb thingy has plastic backing and plastic cover, light switches are also plastic
Mosaic tiles behind the sink are coloured plastic too
Plastic sink and bath (we have to watch floor weighting in our bathroom)
Plastic inlays on taps
Toilet seat and lid
Ballcock in cistern, plus other fittings
Bathroom fan casing
Shower curtain (plastic coated fabric) and hooks
Shower handle
Houseplant (dead,mostly) in plastic pot
Toothbrushes: 4 disposable, 1 rechargeable (the wire is coated in plastic, plug and socket also plastic)
Two toothbrush holders
In them: four tubes of assorted lip balms and eczema cream, all soft plastic with hard plastic lids
1 tube toothpaste: soft plastic, hard plastic lid
Disposable razor with plastic handle: part of a pack of 10 in a plastic wrapper (there are plastic guards over the blades, too)
Soap with plastic inlaid label
Contact lens solutions all in plastic bottles with a plastic lens case
Deodorant bottle
Plastic lid on ceramic moisturiser pot
Glasses case
Dispenser bottle for emollient cream
Shaving gel in aerosol can with plastic lid
Body spray (from Body Shop!) in plastic bottle
Makeup bottles, plus a makeup brush with a plastic handle
Makeup remover wipes in a soft plastic pack with hard plastic top
Sanitary towels (getting a little personal here): plastic wrapper, and as for the towels themselves...
Plastic bag liner in rubbish bin (re-used plastic bag, but still...)
Toilet cleaner brush and holder
The bottle the toilet cleaner is in
Shampoo, conditioner and shower gel all in plastic bottles
More plastic bottles for assorted lotions and potions (mostly unwanted gifts) in the under-sink cupboard
Pill packaging for hayfever pills and cold remedies
The wrapper the soaps come in is also plastic
Scary, isn't it? And this is the smallest room in the house...
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